This weekend I received the official acceptance letter and the community prayers among other things that are not as exciting, like a physical form. I received this wonderful package of joy in the mail mid morning before I left for a series of errands which I am not to typically fond of doing but alas they had to get done.
Once I received this packet of goodness my mood was changed. That evening, I began to pray the community prayers as I would if I were with the Sisters. I did not realize how much I have missed praying these particular prayers. Even though I had not seen these prayers since March they seemed so familiar they fit perfectly like a glove. I feel more united to the Sisters now. It also gives me a year or so to learn all the prayers of the community. I still miss being with the Sisters but this is one way that I can continue to be united with them, through prayer!
I ask that you continue to pray for me as I discern and that any obstacles that might be in my path to entering may be taken away! May God continue to bless you all!
Congratulations on receiving your "packet of goodness"!