Sancta Maria Convent

Sancta Maria Convent
Sancta Maria Convent

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lemurs, Tigers, and Monkeys Oh My! (9-16)

The past Saturday we had a community day where we went to a wildlife refuge in Amarillo. The people who own the refuge are friends of the Community.

They are currently raising a 2 month old white tiger. There are only 23 of these tigers in the word. The great thing is, she lives in their house... she is still too small to go outside. She is the size of a fat house cat with HUGE paws. She liked to play with the habits, shoe laces, and our ankles. She is so sweet and cute.

They also had lemurs- very docile, and I got to feed them. Two of the other sisters fed them as well. Their tongues are strong and long. The lemurs were super cute...

Now the Chimps, they are interesting. One chimp, who was the"King of the Chimps" (aka dominate male) would go get water and spit it at people through the cage. He got one of our poor Sisters. Then, another monkey just learned to throw dirt... for just learning he had super good aim and nailed a sister who was trying to take a picture of him. He must not like photos! Then in another enclosure, a monkey that resembled the monkey on Pirates of the Caribbean, was a very greedy monkey. The owner was feeding him a treat and the monkey would put his whole hand in the bag instead of waiting. He then took the bad, and unhappy with the fact he could not get any out, he tore a hole at the bottom and the treats fell. He promptly shoved the bag out through the enclosure. Silly monkey!

While we were there, we also saw kangaroos, rabbits, lots of birds, roosters, peacocks, and other types of adult tigers, and lots of cute little animals. We are such Fanciscans!

It was a wonderful day, we finished up with Mass and Chic-Fil-A supper... Have I mentioned I love my community?!

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