This post is on the humorous side...The last two days I have been watching "Trouble with Angels" and "Where Angels Go Trouble Follows" The Sisters recommended this movie to me during my last trip! It is absolutely hilarious! It makes me smile! Here are some of things that might be useful upon entrance...
- Sisters may not find it amusing to have bubble bath put into their coffee even though it would be awfully entertaining! Do not mess with a Sister's coffee! They love their coffee!
2. Don't get on the bad side of Reverend Mother...period! (I am not sure if there is a difference between a Reverend Mother and a Superior General/Regional Superior but for all intensive purposes lets say not to irritate any of the above)
3. Don't try to sneak into the cloistered area of the will be caught.
4. Living in Community takes a lot of grace and patience! :D
5. Even a spunky and mischievous young woman could become a Sister! (There is hope for me yet...just kidding)
6. Habits do not make optimal swim wear...
7. Going on a roller coaster in a habit might be a bit would you keep the veil on? It still would be pretty awesome though! It makes me laugh just thinking about it. :)
8. Sisters are REAL people and they really do care about the people they work with but we already knew that... :D
9. Don't call a Sister a penguin!!!
10. And last but not least...SISTERS ARE AMAZING WOMEN OF GOD!!!!! Especially these sisters...
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