Sancta Maria Convent

Sancta Maria Convent
Sancta Maria Convent

Friday, June 3, 2011

On the Slowness of God...

"The definition of wisdom is rejoicing in the slowness of God."  Fr. LeRoy told me this during my spiritual direction last week.  I have been meditating on this for the past couple of evenings before I go to bed.  It is really hard to be patient with God because even though I know His timing is better than mine I still would like this process to be complete.  I would like to know that I will be entering with no problems in July but God is making me be reliant on Him, completely.  

As most of you all know my acceptance is conditional upon getting my student loans taken care of before entrance.  I was hoping that I could start working on the rest of the Laboure Society's application process but I am now having to wait until September to finish the application which I started the day after I received my letter of acceptance.  They are redoing their forms and some processes this summer.  Then there is the Mater Ecclesiae which is a grant program as well. I cannot get the application until June 15th.  Then it is due by Nov. 15th and I would not hear anything until March 1, 2012 which would be 4 months prior to my entrance.  This makes me very nervous because it is so close to my entrance date. But I need to keep my trust in God and His plan.  If it is His will for me to be in Panhandle then He will make it happen.   

So "Rejoice in the slowness of God!"  May God bless you all!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Things are Starting to Change...

On Saturday I went to Fargo to go to the Catholic Stores, the book store, the mall, and then a movie.  I was really looking forward to spending the day doing things that I enjoyed!  I started the day off with Mass, Morning Prayer, and Adoration at the Cathedral.  I then had breakfast and read some of my book.  The day had started off really well.  I then headed to the Catholic book store to get graduation presents, pick up books and just look around.  I enjoyed my time there and I met a few seminarians.  It was great!  

I then decided to head to the mall to look for skirts and just hang out prior to going see "Soul Surfer".  I wandered around aimlessly not finding any enjoyment in just being there and around people.  I even wandered into a Christian Store and still was not enjoying myself as I usually do.  I felt my heart longing to go back to the cathedral to spend time with Him in perpetual Adoration.  I brushed it of and went and grabbed lunch and went to the bookstore.  I use to be able to spend hours upon hours at the book store and not even blink an eye.  But I could barely spend an hour there without growing really bored even though I was looking at books that I usually enjoy. 

It was finally time to go to the movies!  I enjoyed "Soul Surfer" and cried lots and lots during the movie.  It is a real tear jerker. Just warning you!

I suppose this detachment is God's way of preparing me for entering.  I am curious what will happen once I get closer to my entrance date if I am already starting to detach from things of this world.  All in God's time!